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We've joined Business2Schools

We've joined Business2Schools

We are very proud to announce that we have recently signed up to the Business2Schools initiative. Business2schools is a small charity with dreams of helping schools and companies come together under an umbrella of sustainability and growth and has received an incredible amount of support from the corporate sector as well as the media, helping them come one step closer to achieving their goals.

B2S helps connect individuals and companies with unwanted IT equipment and furniture to schools which need to upgrade their systems. The project is so successful because it combines efficiency, sustainability and improvements to education at very little cost. As many companies need to regularly upgrade their IT networks for more up to date machines, they’re often left with perfectly usable, high end computers they no longer require. Business2Schools is able to take the unwanted assets from the companies and donate them to schools whose networks are often in desperate need of an update.

The iniative has a twofold benefit for the schools; by acquiring computers of much higher specs than they would be able to purchase, the students learn on better machines than they would normally, and the schools are free to divert their IT budgets to other uses.

The scheme has proven a massive success and continues to grow by the day. We are very excited to be a part of this project,  and aim to offer as much support as we possibly can.


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